Friday, September 2, 2011

The town, the culture, and the program are all amazing. The language barrier is a bit of an issue but hand motions have been able to help out with that. Finally caught up on sleep (I hope) and ready to see more of what Freiburg has to offer. 
The food (and beer) is great. Had some crazy seafood feast on a pizza and a cold local hefeweizen the first night and besides that alot of different sandwiches. Ate some potato and meat German dish that my suite mate Karl cooked last night and in return I get to cook him "something American" tonight. 
Today is the last main day of orientation, then tomorrow get to hike to the Zähringer Burg castle, and then start my EU seminar and german classes on Monday. 
More pictures soon to come once things start to slow down at the end of the weekend!

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