Monday, December 19, 2011

Well this brings me to the end of my blog. Just left the IES Center for the last time. Had the rest of today and tomorrow in Freiburg then head to Frankfurt for the night and fly home on Wednesday. It is a bittersweet end to the program. The friends and experiences of this semester will stick with me for the rest of my life. Freiburg will always remain a special place to me and one that I cannot wait to return to in the future. I can look back 4 months and know I am leaving this place much better off than when I came here.
I soon get to return home for the holidays and get to attempt to begin sharing this semester's stories.
I now leave behind a family of 53 students who came to Freiburg not knowing what to expect and leave knowing we made the most of it and leave with a bond that can never be broken.

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